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FOLO turns ONE!

FOLO 一岁了!Hooray!

说快不快,说慢不慢 - 这一年,我们学习了很多。艰辛是肯定有的,但从中获得的收获更大,来自十方的支持与鼓励也给了我们温暖,推动着我们。

以下是我们庆生的一些照片,跟大家分享 :)

Many many thanks to everyone who has been involved with FOLO, be it our treasured members for trusting in us, or serendipitous friends, acquaintances, even strangers, who have contributed in your own way. Without each and every one of you, we would not be the vibrant FOLO as you know us today.

Here are some pictures of our 1st birthday celebration over the weekend. Big thank you to Secret Society for providing the fabulous food, La Strada for the beautiful coffee, and to everyone who showed up to join us in the partayyy!

To many more years ahead of growing together,


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