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FOLO @ Chivas the Venture & A New Member!

Members 1-15:

Season 3 Week 20

Members 16-42:

Season 2 Week 20

Members 43-56:

Season 1 Week 20

Salad Pack Members 1-18: Season 3 Week 1

Phew!!!! 😅 What a week for FOLO!!! 🎉🎊🎉🎊🎉

We would like to give a huge hug to all our members for all the support throughout this young journey of ours! It is with your continuous encouragement that we find strength to persevere and keep moving forward.

Yesterday was a milestone for us. FOLO Farms won the Malaysian finals for Chivas The Venture competition to represent Malaysia to compete with other global social enterprises in LA this coming July!

Our founder, Tang Thian Yong spearheaded this application and outperformed 2 other equally amazing social enterprises to come up tops with the trophy in hand! He shares this accolade with the community and hope everyone can come to the farm tomorrow and hear the story first hand, and maybe touch the trophy or take a selfie with it. 😆 Our kampung has officially agreed that TY will now be known as The Venture!!!

Our farm will be going through changes over the next few months as we look to expand, and also prepare ourselves for the dry seasons ahead. We hope to continually learn from our mistakes and try our best to withstand adversity to provide everyone with a constant source of power packed veggies!


The weather this week has been kind to us and our veggies are super happy! Everyone's veggie boxes will be a little heavier this week and we've still got extra for sale! So please do come down and buy extras if you need. 😊

Do be reminded that we will be closed on the week of

28th Jan and 4th Feb and there will not be any veggies.

We are all very excited with 2017 and we can't wait to walk through it with all of you!

❤ FOLO Team

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