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The Qiao Fang (巧坊) story

This is Qiao Fang:

We are mighty proud of it (and also humbled by it). It's gorgeous, it's multi-purpose, and it's mainly made from recycled wood. The best thing about it was how it started as a wild dream - to have an events space where we could do student group activities, learning sessions, host members, maybe a space beautiful enough to be a pop up cafe when needed - and this dream actually came true.

One generous donor Mrs Ng started the ball rolling, to which we are eternally grateful and hence named the space after her. And not forgetting other donors who stepped in to push it to completion.

Till date, Qiao Fang has hosted events from our members' orientation to engagement parties :) Here are some pictures of its evolution:

With Qiao Fang, we can dream even bigger. We want FOLO to be a community space for like-minded folks. Perhaps resident meditation/arts/music/yoga teachers? If you have any ideas, join us :)

With gratitude,

FOLO Farms

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