Know your farmer, know your food
On the front of our team t-shirts is our name, FOLO: Feed Our Loved Ones. On the back, we printed the phrase "Know Your Farmer, Know Your...

FOLO turns ONE!
FOLO 一岁了!Hooray! 说快不快,说慢不慢 - 这一年,我们学习了很多。艰辛是肯定有的,但从中获得的收获更大,来自十方的支持与鼓励也给了我们温暖,推动着我们。 以下是我们庆生的一些照片,跟大家分享 :) Many many thanks to everyone...

FAQ: How many farms does FOLO have?
#faq #folofarm #info

6 easy ways to use leafy vegetables
At FOLO, most of our crops are leafy vegetables. There are so many varieties and our chief farmer loves experimenting with different...

Operation Black Gold begins
That's right! After months of planning, we have commenced our composting operations at Ban Foo! This is the team delivering the bins to...

FOLO recommends: Secret Society
Look at the happy faces! Yes it's because of the tribe gathering, but another reason, which I'm sure you can tell just by looking at the...

Website, name cards, tee shirts.. we are on a roll!
Hello everyone! This is the official first blog post for the official FOLO website! Welcome welcome :) We have come a long way since our...